Cannabis products come in a variety of shapes and sizes. From fresh, high-THC bud to the best CBD oil in Canada, there can be many options to try. So what are the differences between THC and CBD?
The Basics of CBD vs. THC
Both CBD and THC are two naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis, known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been found to interact with the body through the endocannabinoid system, though the effects can be quite different.
Cannabidiol, commonly called CBD, is known as the “chill” compound in cannabis. While it doesn’t get you high, it has many health and wellness uses, with more being researched and discovered as time goes by. CBD is sourced from cannabis or hemp plants.
Plenty of people buy CBD oil or edibles to treat their anxiety, depression, seizures, nausea, and more. CBD is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and pain treatment, such as for migraines, ankle sprains, and chronic pains.
CBD can be well tolerated, even in high doses. Side effects can often be traced back to CBD’s interactions with other medications, and even those effects are usually very manageable. The main side effects of CBD are appetite changes, fatigue, weight loss, and dizziness.
While CBD won’t get you high, it can help reduce unwanted effects of THC and create a more smooth high. This pairing is part of what is known as the entourage effect, where individual cannabinoids are more effective when combined.
THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive component of cannabis responsible for getting you high. Taking THC products may make you feel euphoric, relaxed, giggly, or creative, and send you to the kitchen with the munchies (hide the chips!).
Other than its wonderful high, people use THC to treat many symptoms like pain, muscle spasms, insomnia, appetite changes, nausea, and anxiety. CBD can also treat some of these ailments, and the entourage effect makes them excellent candidates for treatment.
Unfortunately, taking too much THC can have far less gentle effects than CBD. Most experienced cannabis users can attest to THC’s sometimes unpleasant side effects such as dry mouth, red eyes, slow reactions, and memory loss.
In more extreme cases, you may experience “greening out,” which occurs when you take too much cannabis. This can lead to paranoia, anxiety, an inability to move, disorientation, and nausea. It is important to slowly work up to larger doses of THC to avoid these symptoms.
Fresh, High-THC Bud, or the Best CBD Oil in Canada?
THC is best for those who want to enjoy a fun or relaxing high. CBD is used to chill or calm you down and is often the go-to for things like anxiety. Both have many health benefits that may treat your symptoms of pain or stress, especially when paired together.